Identity card of Prickly Pear Oil

Botanic : Opuntia Ficus Indica Oil
Usual name : Prickly Pear Oil, Indian Fig Oil
Origin : Morocco
Organoleptic properties :
• Appearance : oily liquid
• Color : yellow to green
• Odour : characteristic, slightly acid, peppery
• Touch : dry, penetrates rapidly
Composition of Prickly Pear oil :
• Linoleil acid (Omega 6essential polyunsaturated fatty acid) : 57%
• Oleic acid (Oméga 9 monounsaturated fatty acid) : 18%
• Vitamin E : 100mg / 100g
• Delta 7 stigmastérol ( phytostérols family) : 62mg / 100g

Properies of Prickly Pear oil : Although it has an infinitely light texture, prickly pear oil nonetheless has a record level of essential fatty acid. But what makes it so exceptional in the content in vitamin E and delta 7 stigmasterol, avery rare component in the plant world and a powerful antioxidant. This anti-free radical oil is the ultimate anti-anging oil ! It restores firmness and tone to the skin. It is rejuvenating because the omega 6 in contains boosts the skin's natural repair faculty. It is an excellent emollient that softens and protects the skin from deshydratation. It is particuraly suitable for mature, dehydrated skin.

Use : Anti-aging skin care for mature skin, anti-aging and eye contour serum, preventive car for stretch marks or treatment for scars and chapping.

Anonymous on market, organic fair trade prickly pear oil of Argandia is a unique quality :

Each prickly pear contains many small seeds in its pulp, which the
Moroccan women extract manually. Too hard to be crushed by hand,
they require the use of expensive machines, adapted to the extraction
of the oil. As the seeds only contain 5 % oil, many producers also use
a solvent to increase their yield. Argandia guarantees a soft machine
extraction without using chemical solvents, for a unique prickly pear
oil that is 100% pure and organic.
Argandia has established a fair network, like Argan, with its local supplier. Argandia has chosen to work with a young Moroccan businesswoman involved in social and environmental development south
of Tiznit, Morocco.

Nos policy commitments involve :
• Buying fruit from local growers this is too ripe to be sold as food
• Help to investing in the machines to extract the oil, often very expensive
• Increasing earning
• Help to maintain activities in the small villages
• Development of the prickly pear tree beyond its use as a food
• Slow the rural exodus by creating jobs in very poor, desert regions
• Give 1% of the volumes imported to the local association